Satysfakcja seksualna, życiowa i partnerska




Tytuł czasopisma

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Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego


The theme of the presented research is the quality of life considered in the context of the sexual life satisfaction and the relationship satisfaction. 148 persons staying in informal or formal relationship have been examined. The Quality of Life Questionnaire by Juczyński, Sexual Life Satisfaction Questionnaire by Nomejko, Dolińska-Zygmunt and Questionnaire of Well Accorded Marriage by Plopa, Rostowski have been just in the measurement. Results have revealed important links between sexual satisfaction, quality of life and marriage satisfaction. There are no differences between sexes in the quality of life. Quality of life is important for both men and women in connection with sexual satisfaction. There are differences between sexes in this area – sexual life satisfaction is not equally correlated with relationship satisfaction for both men and women.


Zawiera tabele.

Słowa kluczowe

quality of life, jakość życia, sexual satisfaction, satysfakcja seksualna, relationship satisfaction, satysfakcja ze związku, seksualność, sexuality, badania ankietowe, survey research


Family Forum, 2013, T. 3, s. 171-186.


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