Porneia a kult w Liście Jeremiasza (Ba 6) i Drugiej Księdze Machabejskiej




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Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”


The Epistle of Jeremiah and Second Book of Maccabees argue the paganism of prostitution in the temple and its immorality. The traditional approaches of classical scriptures, e.g. Herodotus’ Histories, are related to cult prostitution and polemics in religious, social and political contexts. The immorality of pagans, particularly pagan priests, are mentioned in both biblical books. The Epistle of Jeremiah condemned the profligacy in temples – the use of services of prostitutes and the robbing of the temple by the priests and their wives, just after the sexual relations were performed to honor the goods. In the Second Book of Maccabees is mentioned the licentiousness in the temple of Jerusalem in the epoch of Antiochus Epiphanes: intemperance and sexual relations in the shrine. These problems are also illustrated in the article by traditional classical data.


Słowa kluczowe

prostytucja sakralna, bałwochwalstwo, idolatria, 2 Mch, List Jeremiasza, Ba 6, Herodot, topos, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Stary Testament, niejasności terminologiczne, nierząd, rozpusta, prostytucja, cudzołóstwo, język hebrajski, porneia, językoznawstwo, tłumaczenia, kulty babilońskie, kult, kulty pogańskie, religia pogańska, kapłani pogańscy, rytualna nieczystość, obrzędy, seksualność, antyk, świątynia, temple prostitution, idolatry, 2 Macc, Epistle of Jeremiah, Herodotus, Bible, Old Testament, debauchery, prostitution, adultery, Hebrew, linguistics, translations, Babilon cults, cult, pagan cults, pagan religion, pagan priests, ritual impurity, rituals, sexuality, antiquity, temple, Druga Księga Machabejska, Second Book of Maccabees, Księga Barucha, Book of Baruch


Gloriam praecedit humilitas, 2015, s. 367-389.


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland