Traktaty duszpastersko-liturgiczne i spowiednicze oraz książki dotyczące formacji kapłanów i zakonników wydrukowane w Polsce do połowy XVI wieku




Tytuł czasopisma

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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


Numerous books which were printed in Polish printing-houses in the period of 1475-1550 brought forth information necessary for an effective pastoral activity. In the period before the Tridentine Council the pastoral-liturgical treatises played a great role in the formation of the clergy. Print contributed immensely to their expansion. The First treatise printed in Poland as early as ca. 1475, that is to say at the dawn of the history of printing, by Wroclaw printer Kasper Elyan was the work of Mikołaj from Błonie (d. ca. 1440) entitled “Tractatus sacerdotalis de sacramentis deque divinis officialis el eorum administrationibus”. The treatises of that kind were printed many limes in Poland. They were written by Buchard and recast by Stanisław Zaborowski, the Primate of Poland, Jan Łaski and bishop Andrzej Krzycki. The second group of books written for the clergy constituted the confessional treatises. Polish printers printed the works of: St Anthony from Florence, Mateusz from Cracow, Andrzej de Escobar, Alexander from Astia (Astexanus), Celsus Mafei and a work of a Polish writer who was probably Jakub from Tuchów. The next group of books on practical theology constituted works dealing with the pastoral formation of priests and considering the very sacrament of priesthood. The most popular work which was printed as many as seven times in Poland was the work of an anonymous author entitled “Examen compendiosum pro iis qui sacris sunt initiandi ordinibus”. It was a small catechism for priests based on “Manipulus curatorum” by Gvidon from Montrocher. Polish printers printed also two works on the dignity of sacerdotal status as well as a few works devoted to sacerdotal celibacy. The last group of printed texts were the books devoted to religious status. In relation to the total theological outcome of the Polish typographic printing-houses until the middle of the 16th century the books which dealt with the above subject-matter formed the majority of all works.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

traktaty duszpastersko-liturgiczne, traktaty spowiednicze, formacja, formacja kapłańska, formacja zakonna, Polska, XVI w., książki, kapłani, duszpasterstwo, spowiedź, liturgia, literatura, literatura dawna, piśmiennictwo dawne, pastoral-liturgical treatises, confessional treatises, formation, priestly formation, monastic formation, Poland, books, clergy, priesthood, ministry, confession, liturgy, literature, old literature


Roczniki Teologiczne, 1991-1992, T. 38-39, z. 4, s. 67-86.


Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland