Duszpasterstwo jako działalność zorganizowana




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The Church bears a supernatural character and is governed by other laws than lay institutions. Yet the Church is also composed of people who lead and control her. That is why the Church in her human reality is subject, at least to a certain extent, to the principles of organization and management. Pastoral care like every organized activity has a few stages. The particular stages are in mutual interrelations regardless of the temporary order. Logically speaking, the first stage is for the leader to be aware of a clearly defined goal of a given activity and to hand it over to all members of the group. This is a necessary condition of an effective action. Plannig is an important element of the organized action. Pastoral planning's aim is to put into practices the salvatory work of Jesus Christ both in its individual and fellowship dimension. Planning concerns the analysis of internal and external conditions as well as working out means and ways of action adjusted both to aims and conditions. The next element is organizing which tends to create some conditions for the realization of a decided plan. The organizational function consists in working out and designing a proper division of activities, their grouping in particular sets, allocating discriminated tasks and responsibilities to particular individuals. The following element of an organized action is coordination which safeguards a well-orchestrated activity of the whole human group in order to make sure for the realization of an established plan and accomplishment of the intended aims. Finally, the last elment of the organized action, that is controlling, deals with realization, and consists in comparing the line of realization of the tasks with a proper pattem and accepted requirements as well as drawing out conclusions of this comparison for the future.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

duszpasterstwo, teologia, teologia pastoralna, działalność zorganizowana, organizacja, zasady organizacji, efektywne działanie, ministry, theology, pastoral theology, organised activities, organization, principles of organization, effective action


Roczniki Teologiczne, 1991-1992, T. 38-39, z. 6, s. 73-83.


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