Oblicza dialogu wychowawczego w świetle adhortacji apostolskiej „Familiaris consortio” a wychowanie w rodzinie
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie
This article is concentrated on educational dialogue which is one of the most important thing for upbringing in family. Young people need to speak with their parents about everything without communicational barriers because it is the only one guarantee that they will have good contacts with other people. Sexual education in family should not be a theme taboo. Parents ought to be no forbidden subject in family. They should bring up their children in religious atmosphere because in this model they will know both advantages and disadvantages of taking some decisions which should be responsible. Parents should speak with their children especially about spiritual values which are very often omit in everyday life on benefit safe and trite conversations. Family has got special apostolic mission. It must have been the first and vital cell of society. In this way, it must have been a home sanctuary of the Church, too. John Paul II was talking many times that family is the first place where kids can teach a suitable procedure and correct communication which have influence on their life in the future. Despite of being a crisis of educational patterns, parents have to remember that both of them have got their own educational tasks to create of proper educational atmosphere in family.
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Słowa kluczowe
adhortacja apostolska, Familiaris consortio, Kościół katolicki, Kościół, dzieci, dialog, edukacja, rodzina, rodzice, dialog wychowawczy, wychowanie, macierzyństwo, ojcostwo, wartości duchowe, wartości, Catholic Church, apostolic exhortation, Church, children, dialogue, education, family, parents, educational dialogue, upbringing, motherhood, fatherhood, spiritual values, values, dokumenty Kościoła
Analecta Cracoviensia, 2012, T. 44, s. 115-125.
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