Antykoncepcja a przerywanie ciąży (poszukiwanie istoty związku)
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Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie
Tendentiously spreads the opinion that contraception may reduce the number of cases of abortion. Meanwhile the facts confirmed statistically speak for the opinion that wave of abortion increases proportionally to consolidation of contraceptive practices. In the following article this phenomenon has been showed first of all in the psychological and moral aspect. The wish of unrestricted control connected with phenomenon of recundity it is becoming conviction that there is the possibility to eliminate the results of imperfect self-observation that means to eliminate not planned conceived life. The emotional pressure which is connected with these situations does not allow to correct logical mistake which is visible in transition from notion „I can” (in the moral sense) to ascertainment „I have power” (in the legal-ontological sense). This mistake is possible and even unavoidable in the situation when the partners are unable to create their parental attitude on the level of fundamental choice. Such a behaviour causes that their concrete decisions are being taken separately from consciousness of their appointment. In such a way it is easy to make analogous logical-moral transition from objective judgment „we can not have babies now” to pure subjective judgment „we do not want to have a baby” This „we do not want” bloks internally parental spiritual attitude. It causes fear and consistently the aggresion to „not wanted” conceived baby. This kind of enmity towards conceived life is more understandable thanks to biblical history of the human sin. The sin of Cain shades the life of men and women implanting in the human hearts the poison of death and hatred instead of love for life which is being given as the gift of Creator. In such a context the contraception appears as a secondary phenomenon in attitude to fundamental sin – rejection of life and love and consistently rejection of God. This sin falsifies all interpersonal relations and first of all interfamily relations and rather intrafamily relations. It has of course meaning for the whole of civilization and implied in it philosophy of life. In such a way the vicious circle closes: the false civilization deforms the thinking and the attitude to the life. In turn the moral crisis on family area infects in the deepest way culture and based upon it legal and social institutions. Finally the life of human beings, marriages and families is being involved in a system of totalitarian features: the life as a whole is subject the rule of force. The mysticism of sin penetrates into the all social structures. The objectifying of fecundity leads directly to objectifying the person and to the sanction of all forms of compulsion. Dehumanization of the culture enters to the stage of the world through the gate of contraception.
Tłumaczenie streszczenia: ks. Tomasz Drwal.
Słowa kluczowe
teologia, teologia praktyczna, polityka, demografia, etyka, egzystencja, historia, nowa cywilizacja, język, świadomość, filozofia, filozofia życia, antykoncepcja, aborcja, totalitaryzm, totalitaryzm powszechny, symbol, grzech, małżeństwo, powołanie, Sollicitudo rei sociales, ciąża, theology, practical theology, politics, demography, ethics, existence, history, new civilization, language, awareness, philosophy, philosophy of life, contraception, abortion, totalitarianism, universal totalitarianism, sin, marriage, vocation, pregnancy
Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 1995-1996, T. 14, s. 305-323.
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