Z-wolenie czyli zjednoczenie się z wolą Bożą w ujęciu Sw. Alfonsa de Liguori i Cypriana Norwida




Tytuł czasopisma

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Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


In St. Alfonso and in Norwid the notion of unification of the will of man with the will of God not only adjoins and to a great extent overlaps the notion of Love, but is closely connected with the notion of freedom. Yet, as in their treatment of learning the will of God, the meaning of this word is slightly different for both thinkers. St. Alfonso is thinking of the “freedom of God’s children” resulting from indifference in the theological meaning of the word – “indifferenza”, “abandon”, “Gelassenheit” – which is the key notion in the periodicals characterized by the Renaissance and Baroque Christian Stoicism – authorities in mysticism and asceticism to which St. Alfonso referred. It is true that Norwid based his theory on what, after Bremond, could be called the “metaphysics of Saints”, but for a poet marked by historical disasters and social problems of his age, a slightly eudaem onistical argument of buoyant peace of the soul and the attitude of indifference towards historical evil could not be accepted, as is already clear in his criticism of church policy towards Ireland and Poland.


Wykład wygłoszony w WSD Redemptorystów w Krakowie w czasie inauguracji roku akademickiego 1997/98.

Słowa kluczowe

Bóg, wola, wola Boża, Alfons Maria Liguori, Cyprian Kamil Norwid, poezja, poezja chrześcijańska, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Kościół, literatura, God, will, will of God, poetry, Christian poetry, Bible, Church, literature


Polonia Sacra, 1998, R. 2 (20), Nr 2 (46), s. 139-150.


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