Kultura w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


Contemporary world needs creativity. The world of culture and art is called to form, a human being so as to support him in his way of research, many a time full of burdens and also of the truth, beauty and goodness. In those words the Holy Father being invited to a concert to a famous theatre in Milan expresses the essence of multiple cultural works, which he himself was a pioneer in his youth as a poet, later as a professor of the Catholic University of Lublin and metropolitan of Krakow and presently, however, as the Pope and St. Peter’s successor continues the plot in his encyclicals and uncountable speeches. In his production manifests wideranging knowledge of culture values not only in a religious-moral domain but also in scientific and artistic disciplines, in physical culture (sports) and manual work; for example his work done in a quarry in the suburbs of Krakow during World War II. It is not surprising that his teaching on culture has a great value not only theoretical for philosophers but also practical and vital ones it is because they are based on personal experience of the dignified Author with relation to the Truth, Goodness and Beauty.


Przedruk z „Duszpasterz Polski Zagranicą”, nr 2/187 z roku 1993.

Słowa kluczowe

Jan Paweł II, papieże, nauczanie, kultura, sztuka, piękno, człowiek, praca, kultura ekonomiczno-techniczna, kultura artystyczna, kultura umysłowa, nauka, kultura religijna, moralność, społeczeństwo, polityka, wychowanie, John Paul II, popes, teaching, culture, art, beauty, human, work, study, morality, society, politics, upbringing, etyka, ethics, Karol Wojtyła


Polonia Sacra, 1998, R. 2 (20), Nr 2 (46), s. 11-40.


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