Formacja formatorów (Pierwszy międzynarodowy kurs dla wychowawców seminariów: Rzym 1997)
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie
In November 1993 the Congregation for Catholic Upbringing issued a document: “Recommendations concerning the preparation of seminary tutors”. The document focuses on preparing the tutors who, in the tuition process, perform the basic tasks which establish spiritual direction in the entire formation work. Therefore bishops, as those directly responsible for the functioning of seminaries, should realise great responsibility for forming those who will be entrusted with the tuition of future priests. “It is obvious that only those well-formed tutors, experienced in the skill of tuition, will be able to form the priests who have spiritual, intellectual and humane qualities which are commonly considered to be important and which were examined in detail in the “Pastores dabo vobis” adhortation.” (Wskazania, 83). “A more common and promulgated is the form of periodically held congresses – longer or shorter – “aggiornamento". They usually turn out to be very useful, especially when they are spent in an atmosphere of spiritual depth and optimism, under the guidance of bishops and according to the demands of the specified programmes.” (Wskazania, 13). The organizers of the first stationary course for rectors of diocesan seminaries, which was organized by the Association of Rectors of Roman Catholic Colleges under the auspices of the Congregation for Catholic Upbringing and held in Rome from 25 to 26 July 1997, had all this in mind.
Słowa kluczowe
seminaria, formacja, działalność wychowawcza, edukacja, kapłani, duchowieństwo, teologia, formation, education, clergy, priesthood, theology, seminaria duchowne, wychowanie, upbringing
Polonia Sacra, 1998, R. 2 (20), Nr 3 (47), s. 31-42.
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