Biblia w utworach literackich Karola Wojtyły




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Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie


The perception of Karol Wojtyla’s literary output is difficult, which has been noticed by its researchers who have referred to philosophical and mystical interests of the author in order to interpret it. The third key to the understanding of his works is the Holy Bible, whose inspiring role can be traced at various levels of his compositions. References to the Bible are always connected with its soteriological message and demonstrate that any real search for truth leads to man’s meeting with God. This search leads to the full development of human personality. The poetics of biblical references in Karol Wojtyla’s output is entirely original in relation to the former and contemporary literary practice.


Słowa kluczowe

intelekt, mistyka, słowo, mistycyzm, tradycja, tradycja literacka, Pismo Święte, mistycy, poznanie, doświadczenie, doświadczenie wewnętrzne, duch, inspiracje, inspiracje biblijne, literatura, Karol Wojtyła, twórczość literacka, twórczość literacka Karola Wojtyły, Biblia, intellect, mysticism, word, tradition, literary tradition, mystics, mistycy w Biblii, mystics in the Bible, cognition, experience, inner experience, spirit, inspirations, biblical inspiration, literature, literary works, literary works of Karol Wojtyła, Bible


Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 1999, T. 18, cz. 1, s. 105-115.


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