„Miranda prorsus” – zapomniana encyklika Piusa XII – reaktywacja




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Wydział Teologiczny w Tarnowie


The article given above is an attempt to recall the encyclical by Pope Pius XII entitled Miranda Prorsus, a bit forgotten nowadays. The encyclical was presented in year 1957 and was devoted to the society transmission sources; film, radio and television were particularly matters of Pius XII meditations together with the role of Church in relation to them. The year the encyclical came out those media (especially television) were still a novelty, their expansion was to begin and in the range which nobody predicted then. Detecting and drawing attention to problems connected with it as well as presenting the role of Church regarding them – is a precious and simultaneously underestimated contribution of Pius XII to priestly teaching by Church. His encyclical stands with no doubts at the base of science elaborated by Vatican Ecumenical Council II in the scope. The evidence to that are expressions used in Council’s documents, the same ones used by Pius XII, as well as detailed statement of problems in which Council engaged in this range. The introduction of particular articles in the encyclical Miranda Prorsus presented above allows to notice Pius XII farsightedness, moreover, demonstrates that themes touched by him, in spite of 50 years passage, are still actual. Today, when film, television or at last home pictures influence the society so much, particularly young generation, it is necessary for priests to think over problems connected with mass media development. Reading the encyclical by Pius XII will certainly be of a great assistance.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia: Katarzyna Wróbel.

Słowa kluczowe

Miranda prorsus, encyklika, Pius XII, encykliki zapomniane, film, radio, telewizja, kultura, teologia, wyzwanie, środki audiowizualne, dokumenty Kościoła, encyclic, forgotten encyclics, movie, television, culture, theology, challenge, audiovisual media, środki społecznego przekazu, popes, papieże


Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2004, T. 23, s. 369-377.


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