Podstawy etyki solidarności Jana Pawła II




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Wydział Teologiczny w Tarnowie


The attitude of solidarity is the natural consequence of the fact that human beings exist and work together with others. It is also the basis of community. Karol Wojtyla in his philosophy deals with the material values of Max Scheier, taking important thoughts and building them into his system. Important agreements with the ethics of Scheier are shown: – in the concept of values as the purpose of ethical action; – in the concept of personal fulfillment; – in the idea that love is in harmony with the objective order of values; – in the understanding of human existence as living together; – stressing the individual as the subject of solidarity, while the community itself can only be understood analogously; – seeing solidarity as an ethical challenge mainly as a basis of social justice. This philosophical-theological basis of the thinking of John Paul II shows itself especially clearly in his first encyclical Redemptor hominis in which he deals not only with the Christological foundation of social thought, but also of moral theology and all practical theology. It is to be understood as the hermeneutical framework which form the background for other social ethical statements. In addition there is an important interpretation of thoughts regarding solidarity in the encyclical Dives in Misericordia of John Paul II.


Słowa kluczowe

miłość, cnoty, miłość w ujęciu Karola Wojtyły, pożądanie, życzliwość, wspólnota, wspólnotowy wymiar miłości, miłość oblubieńcza, transcendencja poznawcza, transcendencja, doświadczenie, zmysły, solidarność, filozoficzno-teologiczna podstawa etyki Jana Pawła II, podstawy etyki, filozofia, teologia, Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, papieże, etyka Jana Pawła II, etyka, love, virtues, love as perceived by Karol Wojtyła, desire, goodwill, community, community dimension of love, betrothed love, cognitive transcendence, transcendence, experience, senses, solidarity, philosophical and theological basis of John Paul II's ethics, basics of ethics, philosophy, theology, John Paul II, popes, John Paul II's ethics, ethics, podstawy etyki solidarności, fundamentals of John Paul II's ethics of solidarity, podstawy etyki solidarności Jana Pawła II, etyka solidarności, ethics of solidarity, foundations of ethics of solidarity


Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2008, T. 27, cz. 1, s. 71-85.


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