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Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie


In this article has been shown the ecclesiology of the pre-council period in Italy. The twentieth century called the century of the Church. The biggest event at the time was the Second Vatican Council. Vatican II was not a random event, but preceded by a renewal, which goes back to the early twentieth century. Also in Italy, an important role to fulfill the liturgical renewal, biblical movement, the activity of the lay faithful. In the period preceding the publication of the encyclical of Pope Pius XII on the Mystical Body of Christ, distinctive theology of the Italian representatives are: Giuseppe Siri, Francesco Chiesa, Antonio M. Vellico and Grazioso Ceriani. New impetus in the development of ecclesiology has become encyclical Mystici Corporis Christi (29.06.1943) Pope Pius XII. For example, taken by Pietro Parente (1891–1986) Mysterium Ecclesiae study with the intent to recover its original splendor to bind legal structure of the hierarchical Church, with its inner nature. Disclosure by Pope John XXIII on 25 January 1959, just three months after his election to the See of Peter, the convening of a general council, and then consult widely on the subject of proceedings has contributed significantly not only to revive interest in the Church, but also to take the very important issues related. In developing a new concept of the Church, that is more in line with the spirit of the period immediately preceding the ecclesiology of Vatican II, the priest put a significant contribution to the Diocese of Alba Natale Bussi (1907–1988), whose lectures were recorded and issued the first time already in 1961. Also noteworthy is the emphasis on the ground of Italian interest in the phenomenon of sanctity and the cult of saints. The overall look of the ecclesiology of the Italian twentieth century, which precedes the Second Vatican Council should be noted that it is not as discovery and pioneering, as ecclesiology German or French.


Słowa kluczowe

eklezjologia, eklezjologia włoska, Kościół, teologia, sobór watykański II, sobór, impuls, rozwój, okres przedsoborowy, kult, kult świętych, świętość, fenomen świętości, przedsoborowa eschatologia włoska, eschatologia, eschatologia włoska, Mystici Corporis Christi, Italian ecclesiology, ecclesiology, Church, theology, council, Second Vatican Council, impulse, growth, development, pre-counciliar period, cult, cult of saints, sanctity, phenomenon of sanctity, pre-conciliar Italian eschatology, eschatology, Italian eschatology, Vatican II


Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2012, T. 31, cz. 1, s. 71-84.


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