Jak interpretować normy kodeksowe? Prawo kanoniczne wyrazem jedności Kościoła




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Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie


It is over a quarter of a century since the promulgation of the postconciliar Code of the Canon Law. The past time is characterized by insignificant revisions of the Code legislation introduced both by John Paul II as well as Benedict XVI. Daily life of the Church provides various information that canons of the Code of John Paul II are incessantly interpreted, mainly by judiciary of the Church as well as practice of the diocesan curias and parish offices; naturally it is necessary here to emphasize the considerable and dominant role in applying law by practice of the Roman Curia. Apart from this, it is essential to add the legislative action of particular diocesan bishops and conferences of bishops, among which the Italian Bishops’ Conference must be predominantly highlighted. Particular legislation issued by postconciliar particular and diocesan synods cannot be omitted; undoubtedly widely understood postconciliar monastic law also remains a specific collection of the canon law. The article discusses the aspect of an eventual possibility of changing the retirement age of the parish priest by a legislator, mainly by pointing out how to interpret the canons of the binding Code properly. This aspect is examined not unilaterally but in relation to two issues, i.e. regarding canonical marriage process and abovementioned matter concerning the eventual possibility of changing the retirement age of the parish priest. This is a short scientific reflection on the subject of interpretation of the norms of the Code, without critical reference to particular judicial as well as administrative and legal practice.


Słowa kluczowe

interpretacja, jedność, prawo partykularne, prawo powszechne, zasady, normy, normy kodeksowe, normy kanoniczne, Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego, prawo kanoniczne, jedność Kościoła, papieże, interpretacja norm kodeksowych, interpretation, unity, particular law, universal law, principles, norms, code norms, canonical norms, Code of Canon Law, canon law, Church unity, popes, interpretation of code norms, biskup Rzymu, Bishop of Rome


Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2012, T. 31, cz. 2, s. 115-130.


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