Społeczny wymiar jubileuszowej «drogi do Ojca»
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie
As a part of the immediate preparation for the Great Jubilee of Christianity Pope John Paul II suggested that the three-year period – years 1997-1999 – should be devoted to reflecting on the mystery of Tripersonal God /apostolic letter Tertio Millenio Adveniente of November 10, 1994 (= TMA), p. 39/. The goal of the year 1999 is to broaden the horizons of a Christian in accordance with the perspective of Christ Himself: „the perspective of the truth of «the Father who is in Heaven»” (Mt 5, 45), who sent Him and to whom He returned (cf. J 16, 28) (TMA, p. 49). The concept of the «way to the Father» is a kind of an entry covering a fairly extensive range of pastoral issues. Reflecting on the «way» leading to Heavenly Father, one would, undoubtedly, have to consider these aspects of human life which considerably influence the condition of the earthly pilgrimage along this way. As far as the vast problems requiring detailed analysis are concerned, it should be said that in a not so lengthy ein article one is compelled to choose but few aspects of the touched on issues. The article is therefore limited to social issues presented according to a key which, considering the present situation of the Church in Poland, seems to be the most useful one. This key enables the reader to perceive the chances and hazards of contemporary civilisation, which is being developed by the whole human family and for which all people are responsible.
Słowa kluczowe
Tertio millennio adveniente, listy apostolskie, papieże, Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, Wielki Jubileusz Roku 2000, Bóg, ojcostwo, droga, Kościół, Jezus Chrystus, chrześcijaństwo, nawrócenie, grzech, encyklika, społeczeństwo, dobro, Dekalog, moralność, Apostolic Letters, popes, John Paul II, God, fatherhood, way, Church, Jesus Christ, Christianity, conversion, sin, encyclic, society, good, morality, kapłani, duchowieństwo, clergy, priesthood, etyka, ethics, Decalogue
Polonia Sacra, 1999, R. 3 (21), Nr 5 (49), s. 215-229.
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland