Nauka Biblii o własności




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


Biblical instruction in ownership has its origins in the basic truth shown in the book of Genesis that God created heaven and earth (Gen 1 .1-2 ; 4a; 4b-25). It thus emphasises the fact that God is an absolute beginning of all creation and that everything belongs to Him. At the same time, the description of Creation includes the truth about an aim of the existence of the world, which is to serve man who has been called to have a dialogue with God. God enabled man to live and develop, to carry out a plan to transform the earth and create his own world of culture. Economy, including private ownership, the way of possessing and its range were termed a mirror aim as opposed to an aim that is major in the life of every Christian – redemption. „Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world but loses his life?” (Mt 16.26).


Słowa kluczowe

Biblia, Pismo Święte, Stary Testament, Nowy Testament, własność, posiadanie, prawo własności, człowiek, stworzenie, Bóg, Izrael, ziemia, własność rodowa, rodzina, społeczeństwo, prawo, pożyczka, pożyczanie, Jezus Chrystus, sprawiedliwość, majątek, dobra, bogactwo, Kościół, Bible, Old Testament, New Testament, ownership, property, ownership right, human, creation, God, Israel, land, ancestral property, family, society, law, loan, borrowing, Jesus Christ, justice, assets, goods, wealth, Church


Polonia Sacra, 2001, R. 5 (23), Nr 8 (52), s. 449-463.


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