„Bóg przez pryzmat miłości i miłość przez pryzmat Boga”. Literacki wizerunek babci Luizy jako zwornika śląskich wartości
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Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
The essay focuses on Luiza Mitko’s literary portrait, created by her grandson, Jerzy Szymik – priest, poet, theologian – dogmatist and traveller. Author centres on a sacrifice of Luiza’s life – a young wife and mother. Owing to the memories, photographs and fragments of family notes and documents, the poet created the woman’s portrait who had deserved to be named saint. The essay entitled With a lilac twig to sky is the most important text about the unusual female. The poems Passage. Year 1932 and My Grandmother, analyzed and interpreted in the present article, are perfect, poetical complements to that literary portrait. Grandmother Luiza, who had respected for human life in its origin, created iconic mother’s model which could be compare with saint Gianna Beretta Molla. Szymik avoids words which bring pathos and hyperbolical idealization. In his opinion the form of text should be as plain and modest as the heroine. Generally texts present the view upon the mission of Szymik’s grandmother. She was unquestionably a good influence on him – to form the personality of the priest and poet: ‘Owing to that sacrifice and stubbornness with heavenly roots – I am’ (ZODŹ, p. 23). Those characteristics of Luiza Mitko made of the Silesian woman a sign from God and a guard who protected the highest ideals.
Tłumaczenie streszczenia: Ewa Pluta.
Słowa kluczowe
Luiza Mitko, miłość, Bóg, babcia, Śląsk, wartości, literatura, wizerunek literacki Luizy Mitko, love, God, grandmother, Silesia, values, literature, literary image of Luiza Mitko, Luiza Mitko’s literary portrait, portret literacki Luizy Mitko, wartości śląskie, Silesian values
Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 2007, T. 27, s. 387-400.
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