Benefaktorzy kapituły katedralnej przemyskiej w XV-XVI w. w świetle zachowanego Aniwersarza (z uwzględnieniem legatów w nim pominiętych)




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Wydawnictwo Archidiecezji Przemyskiej


In medieval Christianity, praying for another person played an important role in the life of every person. Efforts were made to prevent final condemnation through good deeds, participation in pilgrimages and the prayers of others for your own intention. This was achieved through the foundations of churches and monasteries, fratemities and anniversaries. In the files of the Przemyśl cathedral chapter, an anniversary with thirty-five records devoted to benefactors of the locai Church has been preserved. It was founded by the canon Jan Czermieński, who commissioned thè rewriting of entries from loose registers and individuai entries, and was completed in 1608. It is interesting because of its character, sińce for the most part, apart from the memories of thè deceased and the date of the Mass intentions, it contains brief Information about the benefits of the deceased for thè cathedral chapter and the church. This is how the earliest list of people of merit for the Przemyśl Church in the first centuries of its functioning was formed. And although in most cases it contains the legates of the canons of thè locai cathedral chapter, it also includes memories of members of the royal family, representatives of the local nobility, and even townspeople. As a resuit of an in-depth analysis of the mass entries preserved in the Przemyśl chapter book, it becomes ciear that thè basic heritage of the Middle Ages was hope. It resulted from a strong belief in the effectiveness of the prayerful intercession of clergymen, regardless of the sense of fear evoked by the vision of death and posthumous punishments.


Tekst częściowo w języku łacińskim.

Słowa kluczowe

Kapituła przemyska, legaty, Aniwersarz, XVI w., XVII w., Przemyśl, kościoły, średniowiecze, renesans, chrześcijaństwo, źródła historyczne, historia, Kościół, kapłani, duchowieństwo, teologia, teologia historyczna, Przemyśl chapter, legates, Anniversary, churches, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Christianity, historical sources, history, Church, clergy, priesthood, theology, historical theology


Premislia Christiana, 2020-2021, T. 19, s. 73-91.


Attribution 3.0 Poland