Eschatologiczny wymiar nauczania religii w środowisku przedszkolnym i szkolnym




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Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego


Religious instruction in kindergardens and schools is one of the forms of predicting the God’s word and educating children and teenagers in faith. Its identity is defined not only by the aims, tasks and content but also by dimensions on which the most important values permeating the whole process and directing it to the future are centered. Nowadays, many dimensions are discussed like biblical, ecclesial, liturgical, existential, moral, cultural, eschatological, historical and ecumenical. This article presents the way of expressing the eschatological dimension. The theologians’ reflection concerning “eschatology” and its synonyms is treated as a reference point. The main part of the article delas with the eschatological issues that can be found in the recent catechesis core curriculum and the religion teaching programme. Finally, the analysis is summarized and the guidelines for the authors of new religion coursebook series in different types of schools are presented.


Słowa kluczowe

eschatologia, refleksja eschatologiczna, refleksja eschatologiczna w teologii, nauczanie religii, nauczanie religii w przedszkolu, przedszkola, nauczanie religii w szkole, podstawa programowa, Podstawa programowa katechezy Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce, podstawa programowa katechezy, katecheza, treści eschatologiczne w nauczaniu religii, edukacja religijna, edukacja, edukacja religijna dzieci, teologia, eschatology, eschatological reflection, eschatological reflection in theology, teaching religion, teaching religion in nursery school, nursery schools, core curriculum, catechesis, core curriculum of catechesis, eschatological content in teaching religion, religious education, education, religious education of children, theology, teologia pastoralna, pastoral theology, dzieci, children, szkoły, schools, szkolnictwo, schooling, teaching religion at school


Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 2010, T. 30, s. 291-303.


Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland