Chrześcijański obraz człowieka – wartość w codzienności
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Wydawnictwo Pallottinum
Christians are encouraged by love to act responsibly with each other, others and all the Creation. „Love of enemies” is a key word among Christians, because God loves all people, even those causing problems! The Christian values and picture of a man seem not to play any role in contemporary societies of the West. More and more people withdraw from the Church and one can notice huge areas without any church affiliation on the maps of some regions. A man is very often defined in today’s society solely by power or status. What consequences can the Christian image of a man have – let’s say for health care? Christians experience consolation and hope in an illness or suffering because God is always with a man. Christians have hope which transcends the threshold of death (to heaven, where there will not be any more suffering nor tears). One can achieve tangible changes by returning to Christian values in social life. Furthermore, the value of a man can be defined not necessarily only by achievements. The Christian image of a man gives answers and all help in all life situations. It appeals to human soul by the fact that a man is accepted as he or she is including his or her dark side.
Słowa kluczowe
człowiek, human, obraz człowieka, chrześcijaństwo, Christianity, wartości, values, codzienność, everyday life, chrześcijański obraz człowieka, Unia Europejska, European Union, prawa człowieka, human rights, prawa podstawowe, fundamental rights, Karta Praw Podstawowych Unii Europejskiej, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, godność człowieka, human dignity, Christian image of man, image of man
Communio, 2012, R. 32, nr 1 (177), s. 185-198.
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland