Spotkanie nad morzem: początki i rozkwit legendy o św. Augustynie w sztuce europejskiej




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Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego


Text treated about the issue connected with St. August iconography which is medieval legend about the child encountered on the beach who is explaining to the Doctor of a Church the absurdity of his trial to understand the mystery of Holy Trinity. Analysis take over the earliest – generally of 15th Century painting from Italian area – images, as well as, engravings that contemporary belong to the British Museum, and originating mainly in German countries in 16th Century. Variety of possible frames according to this legend shows not only differences in a form of crafts, but also opposite ways of looking at the figure of August and a value of this anecdote in order to understand the meaning of all his achievements. Apart from literally correctness of illustrations from this story, there is also a image of a child being present in a study of the Saint, who accompanied him at work.


Słowa kluczowe

ikonografia Augustyna z Hippony, ikonografia, Augustyn z Hippony, doktorzy Kościoła, ojcowie Kościoła, legenda, ikonografia świętych, święci, wizerunki Augustyna z Hippony, wizerunki świętych, średniowiecze, nowożytność, XV w., XVI w., XVII w., malarstwo, sztuka, sztuka europejska, legenda o Augustynie z Hippony, spotkanie, iconography of Augustine of Hippo, iconography, Augustine of Hippo, Doctors of the Church, Church Fathers, legend, iconography of saints, saints, images of Augustine of Hippo, images of saints, Middle Ages, early modern period, painting, art, European art, legend about Augustine of Hippo, meeting, encounter


Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 2014, T. 34, s. 285-297.


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