Obraz śmierci człowieka w posoborowej liturgii




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Pallottinum


In the analysed texts human death is portrayed in connection with the saving events of Christ, his Paschal Mystery, the truth of divine mercy, and also with Christian hope of eternal life. Because God who raised Christ from the dead wants life, rather than death, for a sinner. The texts of the liturgy of the dead constitute a testimony of the Church’s faith in eternal life, whose foundation is Jesus in the mystery of Death and Resurrection. From the moment of baptism believers are included in the mystery, it accompanies their whole earthly life until the day of death. Also the Liturgy of the Hours of the dead brings up this fact. The Church prays for the deceased and celebrates the Eucharist, which proclaims the death of the living Lord, in their intention: „For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” Eating the Bread and drinking the Cup with due respect is proclaiming the death of the Lord, now living, until he comes again. Deepening of this bond is effected through the Eucharist, as the clearest evidence of God’s love to man, embodied in Christ.


Słowa kluczowe

teologia, theology, liturgika, liturgics, liturgia, liturgy, liturgia posoborowa, post-conciliar liturgy, śmierć, death, modlitwa za zmarłych, prayer for the dead, modlitwa mszalna, mass prayer, Msza święta, Mass, pogrzeby, funerals, pogrzeby dzieci, children's funerals, modlitwa eucharystyczna, Eucharistic prayer, modlitwa, prayer, obraz śmierci człowieka, image of human death


Communio, 2012, R. 32, nr 3 (179), s. 45-61.


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