Misterium Trójcy Świętej w teologii feministycznej
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Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu
Is it possible to express a mystery of God in female terminology? Theological grounds of attempt at doing it is a fact that woman like man has been created in image of God; she was redeemed in the same way by the Christ ; and in the same way she has been sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Because God of the Christians is triune God, that’s why E. Johnson tries to express mystery of the Trinity in female terminology. According to classical trinitology the only divine nature is fully owned by three divine persons. Therefore individual three divine persons have the same attributes. The persons differ between each other by relations, i.e. fatherhood, filiation and passive breath. These three relations constitute three divine persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. As result of female reinterpretation of individual three persons of the Holy Trinity E. Johnson tries to replace traditionally male names of three persons as follows: non born Mother, her loved Child - Wisdom, and Spirit of mutual love. Appreciating search of female metaphors of God in the Bible, one should pay attention to the fact that starting point for that search is a grammar. While, theology can be constructed based on grammar but on revelation. So, one should respect God’s revelation which to persons of the Holy Trinity give names: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The God has no gender and therefore his mystery can be expressed by male or female metaphors. One should respect the metaphors of revelation.
Słowa kluczowe
Trójca Święta, Osoby Boskie, misterium, teologia, teologia feministyczna, płeć, Bóg, tajemnica, Elizabeth Johnson, terminologia, terminologia żeńska, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Stary Testament, Nowy Testament, matka, macierzyństwo, mądrość, symbol, symbolika, symbolika biblijna, trynitologia, relacje, relacje między Osobami Boskimi, relacje intratrynitarne, kobieta, Holy Trinity, Divine Persons, mystery, theology, feminist theology, sex, God, terminology, female terminology, Bible, Old Testament, New Testament, mother, motherhood, wisdom, imagery, biblical imagery, trinitarianism, relationships, relationships between Divine Persons, intra-trinitarian relationships, woman
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2004, R. 12, Nr 2, s. 83-96.
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