Wiara jako fundament życia – opcja fundamentalna




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Wydawnictwo Pallottinum


The article tries to give the answer to the questions: can faith become the fundamental option of the man and how far can it lead? As an introduction it presents faith as set of truths in which the Church believes. Then, it describes faith as the fundamental option which consists of the internal attitude of the man who accepts generally revealed truths, though not always transferring its demands to specific categorical acts. In another case, a man lives with a perfect trust to God; he completely agrees all his choices with the professed faith. The man not only believes in God in theory, but practically trusts in God in every moment of his life. The third attitude, although occurring rather rarely, is a plunge into the dark night of faith. It occurs when the man neither feels faith, nor enjoys it, but entirely and radically stays in orientation to God in all single categorical acts. The description of this state is shown on the example St. Teresa from Lisieux.


Słowa kluczowe

teologia, theology, wiara, faith, zawierzenie, entrustment, Teresa od Dzieciątka Jezus, Teresa z Lisieux, doktorzy Kościoła, Doctors of the Church, noc, night, ciemność, darkness, noc ciemna, dark night, noc wiary, night of faith, opcja fundamentalna, fundamental option, Thérèse of Lisieux, święci, saints


Communio, 2014, R. 34, nr 2 (186), s. 21-36.


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