Das tägliche Brot für alle




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Pallottinum


The request for daily bread, which is the foundation of our physical life and survival, has always been normal. The request for bread is also included in the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer shows that Christianity does not know separation of spirituality and materiality, life and spirit. Both dimensions of our human existence are equally necessary and are therefore included in the Christian understanding of salvation. The human being does not live by bread alone, nor can he live without bread. A lack of food affects and destroys physical existence. What’s more, it humiliates people. An issue of food in the world, a request for daily bread for everyone, is therefore an extremely ethical and theological question. That is why the efforts undertaken today in the fight against hunger and malnutrition occurring in many countries of the world are so important.


Artykuł w języku niemieckim.

Słowa kluczowe

bread, food, hunger, life, spirituality, man, human, dignity, chleb, pożywienie, głód, życie, duchowość, człowiek, godność, godność ludzka, human dignity, Brot, Essen, Mann


Communio, 2017, R. 37, nr 1 (197), s. 125-139.


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