Wychowawca wobec agresji
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie
It can be said that aggression is a global problem. There is no chance to eradicate all reasons for aggressive behaviour because they are rooted in the society itself. It is possible, however, to assist young generations in a fight for life free from violence and aggression. Tutors are not fighting a losing battle in this matter. To rid relationships in the society of aggression and conflicts as fully as we can, it is necessary to teach children and youth that they should not only take, but give, as “only those who can combine their own good with the good of other people, are able to truly rejoice over their life” This is the main task for teachers and tutors.
Słowa kluczowe
wychowanie, wychowawcy, dzieci, młodzież, agresja, problemy wychowawcze, psychologia, społeczeństwo, socjologia, media, środki masowego przekazu, pedagogika, pedagogia, dialog, rodzina, terapia, religia, nauczyciele, upbringing, children, youth, aggression, psychology, society, sociology, mass media, pedagogy, dialogue, family, therapy, religion, teachers, pedagogues
Polonia Sacra, 2003, R. 7 (25), Nr 12 (56), s. 262-276.
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