Aby uwyraźnić zło grzechu. Funkcja cytatu Rdz 2,24 w argumentacji tekstu 1 Kor 6,15-17




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


The paper includes an analysis of text 1 Cor 6,15-17 with stress put on the role of the quotation from Gen 2, 24 in the argumentation. Firstly, the borders of the text under analysis were defined (6, 15-17) and observations resulting from the usage of meaningful terms were collected. Both within the verses 6,15, and 6, 16-17 there exists a concentric symmetry; in the first case of the (a) (b) (c) (b') (a') type, while in the second, (a) (b) (a'). In verses 16-17 an essential role, from the perspective of the applied persuasion, is played by the recalled phrase from Gen 2, 24. It constitutes a point of reference in the structure of concentric symmetry (nucleum) and scripturial argument to justify impropriety of such a sexual act of a Christian with a woman, which is sinful. Contrary to the original context (Gen 2, 24) and unlike in other places of the New Tesament, where this text is referred to as well (Mt 19, 5-6, Mk 10, 7-8; Eph 5, 31), in the fragment under analysis (1 Cor 6,15-18) the recalled phrase was used to emphasize a new identification, which a Christian acquires, when, through a sexual act, he unites with a woman in an adulterous way.


Słowa kluczowe

Biblia, Pismo Święte, Stary Testament, Nowy Testament, Księga Rodzaju, Rdz 2, Pierwszy List do Koryntian, 1 Kor 6, grzech, zło, ciało, cielesność, perykopa, egzegeza, egzegeza biblijna, Jezus Chrystus, Bible, Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Genesis, sin, evil, body, exegesis, biblical exegesis, Jesus Christ, biblistyka, biblical studies, listy św. Pawła, Paweł apostoł, apostołowie, Paul the Apostle, apostles, letters of Saint Paul, 1 Kor, Rdz


Polonia Sacra, 2006, R. 10 (28), Nr 18 (62), s. 287-302.


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