Akcja Katolicka wobec swojej historii i zadań współczesności. W setną rocznicę encykliki Piusa X Il fermo proposito




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


Catholic Action in Poland, as a lay association reactivated on the wish of pope John Paul II, should find appreciation in the eyes of the Church hierarchy. As a community of lay Catholics in cooperation with the clergy it should take up an unceasing dialogue with contemporary world and man in accordance with the preaching of St Paul, who encourages Christians to constantly renew their life, which leads to a deeper understanding of God and to a better service of people; more fruitful, full of mercy, goodness, humbleness, quietness and patience. In reference to the activities of Catholic Action one could speak of a competence, an integrational and an apostolic dialogue. A competence dialogue means acquiring essential skills, which are not only needed, but indespensable for people in an association and acting within the structures of Catholic Action. An integrational dialogue consists in perfecting the principles of cooperation within an association and outside it with all subjects of religious and social life. Finally, an apostolic dialogue “urges”, in a way, the members of Catholic Action to revitalize the present apostolate of the Church with a new zeal and to search for and undertake new apostolic initiatives. These areas do not exhaust all planes of the association activity. They are, however, the most important planes, connected with problems, on which – to a great extent – depends not only the future of the Church in our country, but the future of Catholic Action itself. Building an attitude of responsibility cannot be limited merely to association members; the work in this field must be universal in its range as the key task is to prepare individuals and societies to assume joint responsibility for another human being and collaborate in modelling the world.


Słowa kluczowe

Akcja Katolicka, encyklika, Il fermo proposito, historia, historia Kościoła, Pius X, Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, papieże, apostolat, formacja apostolska, formacja duchowa, formacja, stowarzyszenia, osoby świeckie, ewangelizacja, encyclic, history, Church history, John Paul II, popes, apostolate, spiritual formation, formation, associations, laics, evangelization, duchowieństwo, clergy, priesthood, kapłani, dokumenty Kościoła, Magisterium Kościoła


Polonia Sacra, 2006, R. 10 (28), Nr 18 (62), s. 115-137.


Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland