Communio personarum w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II. O tworzeniu dojrzałej wspólnoty małżeńskiej




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


Marriage and family constitute an integral and an extremely important element of every society. Together they play essential functions within the global society, within the scope of its biological reproduction and in the field of socializing of individuals and preparing them to function in a rapidly changing society. If the functioning of families and their condition deteriorate, the functioning and well-being of individuals and societies will, likewise, be negatively influenced. It is in the interest of individuals and society to have properly functioning families and to create the conditions for their proper functioning. The Church wants to participate in this great enterprise, i.e. the proper functioning of family and marriage. John Paul II, who cared so much for the well-being of an individual family and marriage, points to communio personarum as a way to live and function for individual persons in mutual relations, through which they confirm and affirm themselves and create a closer interpersonal community. Developing the communion between man and woman leads not only to breaking family ties but also to rejection of the self, to spiritual sacrifice in order to create something new and one with another person – one body. In such a way a union of persons is created. It consists in a total, mutual gift; which is also, but not solely, a gift of bodies, as it consists in complete melting of desires and feelings and the whole life of both. One body means a complete spiritual and bodily unity. Sacramental marriage creates a total material, somatic, psychic, social, moral, spiritual and religious community, as a result of which one heart and one soul is created, as it were – communio personarum – community of persons, their close communion.


Słowa kluczowe

Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, papieże, kapłani, duchowieństwo, nauczanie, małżeństwo, wspólnota, communio personarum, komunia, męskość, kobiecość, sakramenty, Duch Święty, dary Ducha Świętego, dary, miłość, modlitwa, relacje, John Paul II, popes, clergy, priesthood, teaching, marriage, community, communion, masculinity, femininity, sacraments, Holy Spirit, gifts, love, prayer, relationships


Polonia Sacra, 2007, R. 11 (29), Nr 20 (64), s. 169-183.


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