Mariologia biblijna w świetle matrologii feministycznej




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


According to the feminist theology Christianity has always had a hostile attitude to promoting the due dignity of moman because even the Bible, in the description of creation, not only speaks about woman as being subordinate to man, but also desribes her as a direct cause of man's fall. Since the Bible was written by men, feminists demand proper and correct reading of it by women. The article analyzes conclusions of the feminist eisegesis of Mariological texts in the Bible as presented by feminists. These conclusions, made several decades after the Second Vatican Council and accusing the Church and theology of discriminating women, seem to be an attempt at finding a subject substitute. The “Female exegesis” of the Bible in the scope of Mariology suggests that Mary, as an independent and free woman protesting against the Patriachal system, is the one who claims with determination the rights of other women.


Słowa kluczowe

mariologia, feminizm, Biblia, Pismo Święte, teologia, teologia wyzwolenia, matrologia, interpretacja Biblii, Maryja, Ewangelia, katolicyzm, protestantyzm, kobieta, uczniowie, Jezus Chrystus, egzegeza, egzegeza biblijna, dogmaty, dogmaty maryjne, Mariology, feminism, Bible, theology, theology of liberation, interpretation of the Bible, Mary, gospel, Catholicism, Protestantism, woman, students, Jesus Christ, exegesis, biblical exegesis, dogmas, Matrology, biblistyka, biblical studies


Polonia Sacra, 2006, R. 10 (28), Nr 18 (62), s. 375-393.


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