Znaki nadziei w Europie wbrew milczącej apostazji człowieka sytego




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


John Paul II sees not merely dangers; he points to signs of hope, too. These are: regaining political and religious freedom in Eastern Europe, the saints of Europe (the ones from the past and numerous martyrs of the 20th century), young people who will overcome language, cultural and religious barriers and reject the culture of hatred, death, violence and all forms of extreme nationalism and intolerance. Consecrated people, prayer groups, various youth communitiesp and new movements in the Church are a sign of hope, too. Because Gospel was preached in Europe by Catholics, the Orthodox and Protestants, an important sign of hope is the ecumenical movement. Christians cannot call for unity when they themselves are divided. Jesus Christ, the First and the Last, in whom all history finds its beginning, sense and direction is the hope for united Europe. This Jesus lives and acts in the Church as the only mediator of redemption in the past, today and in the future. He is the most important way leading towards the future and, as he gives eternal life, He is hope. The mystery of Christ liberates man and without Him it is impossible to build a lasting unity. And so the Church can offer Europe the most precious good: Jesus Christ - the source of hope for Europe and the rest of the world. This solemn proclamation of Christ should be preached by well-prepared persons. First of all, these should be bishops with their collaborators, presbitero. It is preached by consecrated people, lay institutes and associations of apostolic life, which are a readable sign pointing to the absolute primacy of God. The pope counts on participation of lay persons, academics, intellectuals, artists, doctors, teachers and politicians to be active in the evangelization process. An important place befalls to universities and institutions of higher education, which formed the spiritual face of Europe and now should draw from the European cultural heritage. Members of academic pastoral groups should participate in preaching the Good News; the newly gained truth has the power to attract and carry one away; it should be preached without arrogance, but firmly. The mission to bring up and educate is also important in Catholic schools, which should oppose the dangers posed by cultural transformations. The leaven of Gospel should pervade all spheres of life. Most of all, however, the Good News needs to be proclaimed to those who are in the greatest need. The Church should walk along the way of love because life loses its sense if Love does not reveal itself in it. Gospel of life and hope should be preached to family, which now undergoes a crisis of its identity.


Słowa kluczowe

nadzieja, apostazja, Ewangelia nadziei, Ewangelia, Europa, synody, biskupi, kapłani, duchowieństwo, Jan Paweł II, papieże, Karol Wojtyła, Kościół, adhortacja, adhortacja apostolska, Ecclesia in Europa, Jezus Chrystus, świadectwo, święci, ewangelizacja, Dobra Nowina, ateizm, protestantyzm, ekumenizm, homilia, hope, apostasy, gospel, Europe, synods, bishops, clergy, priesthood, John Paul II, popes, Church, apostolic exhortation, Jesus Christ, testimony, saints, evangelization, atheism, Protestantism, ecumenism, homily, Magisterium Kościoła, dokumenty Kościoła


Polonia Sacra, 2006, R. 10 (28), Nr 18 (62), s. 353-373.


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