Problematyka cierpienia i jego związek z krzyżem




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II


Suffering has a deep sense because it allows God to work in our life. The right attitude of the disciple is the readiness to accept the suffering, because the way of Jesus and the way of the disciple meet at the cross. The differences between the Catholic Church and the Lutheran Churches in understanding the cross and suffering, have their origin in the different accents. The protestants focus on the sufferings and death of Christ as the most important event of redemption. The catholics do not stop merely at Jesus’ sacrifice, but concentrate on the culmination of the salvation in the resurrection.


Słowa kluczowe

cierpienie, krzyż, ból, teologia cierpienia, Jezus Chrystus, życie, śmierć, Biblia, Pismo Święte, tajemnica, suffering, cross, pain, theology of suffering, Jesus Christ, life, death, Bible, mystery, teologia, theology


Polonia Sacra, 2010, R. 14 (32), Nr 26 (70), s. 271-284.


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