Chrześcijańska odpowiedź na kryzys ekologiczny




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II


The contemporary ecological crisis is caused by impropriate and excessive human interference in the environment. The symptoms of this crisis, such as consumerism and the fact that material goods take priority over moral values, make people become more egoistic. The world has been created by God and belongs to Him, not to humans. We are only a part of this world, its caretakers, not owners. The Catholic social teaching says that ecological threat has not only material, but spiritual aspects as well. Humans’ moral and mental environments are polluted, too. The condition of these environments can be a foundation of a man’s development and can change his preferences from 'having’ to ‘being’. It is a problem of shaping people’s conscience, as only mature conscience can take care of the environment. This care is a proof of love for God and other people, which can be called ecological conscience’. This term also means the ability to save, a spirit of sacrifice, a sense of justice and decent behaviour. It seems that defining the relations between humans and the world of nature on the Catholic grounds can be far more successful to fight ecological degradation than the most spectacular protests of environmentalists.


Słowa kluczowe

ekologia, natura, przyroda, kryzys, chrześcijaństwo, rozwój, cywilizacja, technologia, dokumenty Kościoła, moralność, odpowiedzialność, solidarność, Kościół, ecology, nature, crisis, Christianity, development, civilization, technology, morality, responsibility, solidarity, Church, Magisterium Kościoła, ethics, etyka


Polonia Sacra, 2010, R. 14 (32), Nr 27 (71), s. 59-76.


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