Wierzę w miłosierdzie Boże – nadzieję zbawienia
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie
The Mercy is the greatest feature of God. It was begun simultaneously with the beginning of the world and the human of each time has been accompanied by it. God continuously has been teaching us His Mercy in the most excellent way – being merciful by Himself. He is for us unequalled example to being followed and indulgent Master, who has been leading and teaching his people for ages. Finally sends us His Son to continue His masterpiece. The human, the Child of God, from the very beginning of his existence, has been learning from his Father how to be good and merciful. The human nature is weak and inclined to commit a sin. Because of the sin the harmony between the God and His human creature becomes disturbed, but it is also opening for the God’s Mercy prospect. The human was created by the God from His love and to this love he was also destined. The love guarantees and assumes happiness and the greatest happiness for human is life with the God. Not only in Heaven, but also here on the Earth, despite suffering and evil, it is always life deeply cheerful and full of hope. Merciful forgiveness becomes then an enormous power to rise again every day and be born for life with the God. However public revelation was finished with the St. John’s death on Patmos island, God has been still revealing to the whole world His Mercy. He performs it by human, who inspired by Jesus Christ, becomes merciful by himself. The quality and the amount of this merciful love will depend on the faith and trust of each of us. All our actions and wishes are revived by it, and this love demands humility and constantly being converted. The human is gifted and predisposed to do Mercy, but not only this – it is also his obligation. Since he is a debtor and a child, who has got everything form the most merciful Father. In hard and adverse circumstances for preaching Mercy, this obligation is growing with special importance. The God’s Mercy is a gift for human and the world, but at the same time it is also duty, because the hope of our redemption has been put in it, gifted with the Mercy, we are summoned to live with it and preach it.
Słowa kluczowe
wiara, miłosierdzie, Miłosierdzie Boże, nadzieja, zbawienie, grzech, człowiek, Bóg, faith, mercy, God’s mercy, hope, salvation, sin, human, God
Veritati et Caritati, 2013, T. 1, s. 128-146.
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