Maryjny rys duchowości prezbitera w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II
The author of the article shows the bond between the spirituality of the priest and Our Lady according to the teachings of Pope John Paul II. It presents the exemplary character of Mary as a trustful virgin, Mother of Christ-Priest, contemplative woman, the servant of the Lord, mediator, Lady of Sorrows, Mother of priests, eucharistie woman and mother of the Church taken into Heaven. The article shows that the Pope uses mainly the biblical pictures of Mary, to indicate how Her answer to God’s grace can inspire priests in their specific spiritual journey. The text is based on original sources of pontifical teaching contained in several volumes of Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II. It proves that almost every aspect of the priests formation can be linked to Our Lady.
Słowa kluczowe
kapłani, duchowieństwo, prezbiterzy, powołanie, duchowość, Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, papieże, nauczanie, Maryja, Jezus Chrystus, dziewictwo, dziewictwo Maryi, Kościół, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Nowy Testament, Ewangelia, fiat, kontemplacja, mariologia, clergy, priesthood, vocation, spirituality, John Paul II, popes, teaching, Mary, Jesus Christ, virginity, Church, Bible, New Testament, gospel, contemplation, Mariology
Polonia Sacra, 2009, R. 13 (31), Nr 25 (69), s. 65-86.
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