Promocje doktorskie duchownych z diecezji częstochowskiej w Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim
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Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie
The diocese of Częstochowa was bound particularly with the Jagiellonian University since 1926. Getting the degree of the doctor of theology at this university by as much as 12 priests from the diocese (Stefan Bareła, Marceli Dewudzki, Feliks Gryglewicz, Stanisław Grzybek, Władyslaw Kasprzak, Michał Komasa, Bruno Magott, Walenty Patykiewicz, Władyslaw Sobczyk, Wacław Stępien, Zygmunt Szmigiel, Tadeusz Szwagrzyk) is distinctively noteworthy. All the promotions were held after World War II. These doctors came to the high church dignity, serving many important functions in the diocese. Two of them (S. Bareła and T. Szwagrzyk) were the bishops of the Diocese of Czestochowa. Fr. F. Gryglewicz and Fr. S. Grzybek continued scientific passions, obtaining the title of professor and making significant contribution to the teachings of the Bible in the second half of the twentieth century in Poland. The others were engaged to work in Częstochowa Seminary in Cracow, in the Diocesan Archives in Częstochowa, and in parishes.
Słowa kluczowe
biskupi, kapłani, duchowieństwo, Częstochowa, diecezje, doktorzy, dyrektorzy, Kraków, księża, nauka, proboszczowie, profesorowie, promocje, rektorzy, seminaria duchowne, seminaria, teologia, uniwersytety, wydział teologiczny, bishops, clergy, priesthood, dioceses, doctors, directors, Cracow, priests, science, study, parsons, parish priests, promotions, rectors, seminaries, theology, universities, faculty of theology, professors
Veritati et Caritati, 2014, T. 2, s. 473-497.
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland