Stanowisko cesarzy bizantyńskich wobec rządów Teoderyka Wielkiego na Zachodzie




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II


The aim of the present article is the present the Byzantine emperors’ stand towards the rule of Theodoric the Great in the West. Those contacts depended on the situation in Italy and Byzantium at that time. The Theodoric’s actions connected with holding the official power over Italy and obtaining the crown were related to adhering to a certain policy towards Zeno and Anastasius. Next, the contacts of the emperor with Theodoric exacerbated when the king sent the army to Illyria in 504. Several years later, the Goth in a letter to Anastasium wrote that he cared very much about peace and agreement with the emperor. What also play a significant role here was the Laurentian schism and the Acacian schism (if the then religious situation is taken into consideration). Along with the election of Pope Hormisdas in 514, and then with the new emperor Justin, the contacts of Italy with the emperor entered a new phase.


Słowa kluczowe

Teodoryk Wielki, Bizancjum, król, średniowiecze, historia, Theodoric the Great, Byzantium, king, Middle Ages, history


Polonia Sacra, 2011, R. 15 (33), Nr 29 (73), s. 97-111.


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