O dialogu ekumenicznym w świetle sporu św. Augustyna z donatyzmem




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Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”


The Ecumenical dialogue applies to those who openly or implicitly do not spiritually belong to the Church. According to st. Augustine these include heretics, schismatics, and bad Christians. They remain excluded from the community of the Church as a result of their lack of mutual love, and obstinacy in aberration and bad habits, whose roots are always in the sin of haughtiness. The basic value of ecumenical dialogue and its aim is the unity of the Church, and its motive is a Christian charity that cares for the salvation of our brethren excluded from the Church. This is why this dialogue is faced toward both those who are outside the Church and its members. Therefore, the bishop of Hippo takes firstly the polemic against wrong beliefs of heretics, shows the immensity and impiety of evil scission of the Christian community, reprimands, calls heretical environments for a return to unity with the Catholic Church, emphasizes what is common to them and to Catholics, and asks for prayers for unity. The ecumenical dialogue also requires in-depth theological reflection of the Church to understand better God’s Revelation, the concern for their own identity and the sanctification of all its members. St. Augustine underlines that the source of the unity of the Church is Christ, and only in Him interpersonal relationship takes any value. Therefore, any ecumenical dialogue, to be fruitful and to be able to overcome the impiety of scission, has to begin with and aim at deeper union with Christ, that means personal repentance and sanctification.


Słowa kluczowe

Augustyn z Hippony, biskupi, kapłani, duchowieństwo, ojcowie Kościoła, doktorzy Kościoła, patrystyka, patrologia, Jezus Chrystus, dialog, donatyści, ekumenizm, heretycy, jedność, Kościół, Kościół katolicki, miłość, polemika, pycha, tolerancja, upór, schizmatycy, źli chrześcijanie, chrześcijaństwo, chrześcijanie, bishops, clergy, priesthood, Church Fathers, patristics, patrology, Jesus Christ, dialogue, Donatists, ecumenism, heretics, unity, Catholic Church, Church, love, charity, haughtiness, tolerance, obstinacy, schismatics, bad Christians, Christianity, Christians, Augustine of Hippo, polemics


Veritati et Caritati, 2014, T. 3, s. 59-96.


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland