Obraz moralny społeczeństwa chrześcijańskiego V wieku w świetle De gubernatione Dei Salwiana z Marsylii




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Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego


Salvian from Marseille, in spite of the disputable appraisal of the value of his literary oeuvre today, remains for us a source of information about civilization of the fifth century, whereas in his main literary work De gubernatione Dei he acquaints us with the religious-and-moral condition of Christians of his time, who inhabited Gaul, Spain and Africa. From the analysis of his literary work it is evident that the believers in Christ participated in pagan shows, neglecting thus their participation in liturgy on feast days; not infrequently they worshipped pagan gods, prostituted and also committed murders. They were familiar too with drunkenness and gluttony. Moreover, they sinned by lack of love for others, by injustice, greed, oppressing the poor, by perjury, pride, contempt of good, hostility for those who worshipped God, and by persecussion of monks and clergy.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Brunon Zgraja.

Słowa kluczowe

Salvian from Marseille, On the Government of God, morality, Salwian z Marsylii, etyka, moralność, społeczeństwo, chrześcijaństwo, demoralizacja, pogaństwo, niewolnictwo, ethics, society, Christianity, demoralisation, slavery, paganism, V w., De gubernatione Dei, starożytność, antiquity, Cesarstwo Rzymskie, Roman Empire


Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana, 2012, nr 2, s. 37-50.


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