Łaska nawiedzin Kościoła częstochowskiego przez Piotra naszych czasów – Pielgrzymki Ojca Świętego Jana Pawła II i Benedykta XVI na Jasną Górę i do Częstochowy
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie
Each Holy Father as the visible replacement of Christ on earth and Peter’s successor represents and own for the mankind great supernatural good. We can talk about the favour connected with visiting a country by Pope. In the deeper meaning we can talk about outer favour expressed in the conviction that “you have seen Lord Himself when you have seen Peter”. The Pope Paul VI wanted to visit Jasna Góra at the turn of 1965 and 1966 and later on May 3rd 1966. Unfortunately, it did not happen because of communistic regime. The first visit of John Paul II was on June 4-6 1979. In Poland, in Jasna Góra sanctuary, he said his appreciation to God for the gift of the papacy and the first time he called himself “a man of entrusting”. He told the Church in Częstochowa that “It serves the Church both in Poland and in the world as the diocese of Mary which fulfils exceptional mission, especially because of Jasna Góra” The second pilgrimage of John Paul II to Czestochowa was connected with the celebration of sixth centenary of presence of Holy Icon to Jasna Góra and it was on 18-19 June 1983. This visit made the Church in Częstochowa full of splendour. Holy Father said about its role in Poland forcibly. Actually thanks to Jasna Góra and the cathedral, Czestochowa deserves to be spiritual capital of Poland. On June 12, 1987 John Paul II visited Jasna Góra again. Then he asked Mary to be the Mother for first the Church in Czestochowa and later he added for all nations, for the Church, for People of God and for all mankind. The biggest event in favour of papal visits for the Church in Częstochowa from Holy father John Paul II was the Sixth World Youth Day on August 14-16, 1991, under the motto “ You have received the spirit of sonship”, and its heart was Jasna Gora. Year 1997 was the year of International Eucharistic Congress in Wrocław. Then the Church in Czestochowa had the favour of having John Paul II staying. It was on June 4th 1997. The word of “favour of visiting” for the Church in Czestochowa is very appropriate to coming John Paul II to Czestochowa in 1999, because at the beginning of planning this visit Częstochowa wasn’t taken under consideration. It was real saying goodbye to Jasna Góra. Holy Father Benedict XVI visited Archdiocese of Częstochowa on May 26, 2006, then it was its eightieth anniversary. So seven papal visits, not including spiritual one of Paul VI filled with glory the space of Church in Czestochowa, the glory of God, and on July 28 Pope Francis visited Jasna Góra.
Słowa kluczowe
Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, papieże, kapłani, duchowieństwo, Jasna Góra, Częstochowa, Kościół częstochowski, łaska, Maryja, pielgrzymki, pielgrzymi, pielgrzymowanie, John Paul II, popes, clergy, priesthood, Church in Częstochowa, grace, favour, Mary, pilgrims, pilgrimages, pilgrimaging
Veritati et Caritati, 2016, T. 6, s. 331-348.
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland