Świętość mistyczna ludzi świeckich
Tytuł czasopisma
ISSN czasopisma
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie
Every Christian should aspire to perfect love and should give their testimony of holiness in the world. The essence of Christian life consists in possibly perfect obeying the Greatest Commandment. It is the communion the soul with God, which enables the person to take new way of reference to God, to a person themselves, neighbours and all creations and provokes the process of spiritual life which leads to holiness, so to mystical communion with God in love. The original love is the God’s gift instilled in Christian’s will during the Sacrament of Baptism and expresses the yearning for love. Jesus helps in this process of growing the love by enabling Christian to love Him, to devote to Him. The Christian by cooperation with Divine mercy makes love of desire perfect in aspiring to perfect love which is expressed in total devotion to God. God is the only one who person can be devoted to fully, perfectly, without existing for a person themselves. Love is a bridge between a human and God. Hence the communion with Him in love is the normal state of Christian, in which God becomes the inner source of human life and action. This total communion in love happens thanks to love cooperation with Divine mercy in the faith field. Every Christian person should approach to this communion because they are given in the Sacrament of Baptism, the gift of Love which directs all his power to Him. Mystical holiness, which is the result of love communion a human with God is achieved by the trial of cleansing. This process of love development has got two dimensions: sacrifice and communion. The result of cleansing which happens in the senses and powers is the communion of love. The mystical holiness is fulfilled in the spiritual nuptials, where the enormity of holiness is expressed in the agreement of human will with God’s will. In this devotion, the soul becomes overdivinited. It is the achievement of mystical holiness.
Słowa kluczowe
Bóg, dusza, miłość, mistyka, mistycyzm, świeccy, laikat, oczyszczenie, świętość, zjednoczenie z Bogiem, God, soul, love, mysticism, laypeople, laity, cleansing, sanctity, communion with God
Veritati et Caritati, 2016, T. 7, s. 35-51.
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