Uwagi na temat interpretacji tak zwanych „spoczynków w Panu”




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie


The article presents the outline of issues connected with so called resting in the spirit. It points frst the need of widening the area of this phenomenon to some cases undemanding the context of intercession prayer, but especially the context of human who prays in intercessional way. Firstly, the text analysis the biblical traditions. They show some opening the Revelation to the acceptance of this phenomenon. Ecclesial tradition confrms such possibility, describing a lot of phenomena similar to the biblical tradition. Unfortunately, any of them cannot be interpreted as the direct analogy. The direction of falling in the interpretation of current phenomena does not play any signifcant role. But in the tradition, this subject was interpreted only in allegorical way: the righteous people fell forwards and the sinners backwards. Using these clues is a mistake in the present debate on the resting in the spirit. Mystical phenomena, proper for Carmelites, demands some degree of love to God. So they cannot be interpreted as the analogies to current phenomena of spectacular resting in the spirit.


Słowa kluczowe

interpretacja, duchowość, życie duchowe, Biblia, Pismo Święte, upadek w duchu, tradycja, Balaam, Saul, Paweł apostoł, Jan Ewangelista, Jan apostoł, ekstaza, apostołowie, interpretation, spirituality, spiritual life, Bible, falling in the spirit, tradition, Paul the Apostle, John the Evangelist, John the Apostle, ecstasy, apostles


Veritati et Caritati, 2018, T. 10, s. 299-330.


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