Pismo Święte w nauczaniu religii młodzieży gimnazjalnej




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Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej


The changes in the pastoral theology during the last centuries returned Bible into the right place of catechetical programs. Using the Bible exist in previous catechetical models has been changed into catechesis concentrated into the Bible as the source. This process puts biblical catechesis into the heart of catechetical activities. It doesn’t means, that this process is working without problems. One of them is contemporary mentality of human being, especially of young people, who are living in pluralistic and agnostic world, where sacrum seems to be died and became as unclear and lack connected with revealed religion. This world prefers to communicate more using the pictures then words, what is result of information revolution. In that point of view there are important difficulties in proclaiming of the Word of the Lord, especially in case of young people, opening more for virtual word. In this article Author made a brief characteristic of biblical catechesis and shows two points of view: teaching of catechesis as a “school” and possibilities or restrictions of biblical catechesis during the catechesis in the secondary school.


Słowa kluczowe

Pismo Święte, nauczanie, nauczanie religii, młodzież, gimnazjum, religia, szkoły, edukacja, katecheza, katecheza biblijna, Biblia, Bible, teaching, teaching religion, youth, religion, schools, education, catechesis, biblical catechesis


Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2004-2008, t. 4, s. 119-134.


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