Przesłanie duchowe mistyczek niepodległej Polski




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie


One of the main phenomena of Polish spirituality of the turn of the 19th and the 20th century is women’s mysticism, called the experiential one. It developed in the area of Poland in the time of annexations, and also in the independent Homeland. Women’s mysticism is characterized by emotional-individual way of achieving the mystical union with God, made in the affective sphere by direct learning and experiencing God. The description of experiences presented by mystics show that particular stages of development their mystical life is determined by both compatibility and different context of the message. From one hand, they present deep account of mystical experience and conversation between mystics and Jesus which is some kind of message for people, from another one. The mystic telling the message plays the role of tool and intermediary in God’s hands. There were 38 female representatives of experiential mysticism in the history of Poland, and in the time of Polish independence 28 ones. Female mystics have become the apostles of message thanks to proper supernatural gifts of love. The most important mystical messages contain the message Divine Mercy of St. Faustina Kowalska, the message of Spiritual Infancy of sister Leonia Nastal (1903-1940), the message of Father and neighbor of sister Roberta Babiak (1905-1945), the message of “soul God-Human” of sister Zofa Tajber (1890-1963), the message of suffering for priests and orders of sister Wanda Boniszewska (1907-2003), the message of thanksgiving and worshiping God Father of sister Błażeja Siewierska (1934-2000), the message of dedication of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Rozalia Celakówna (1901-1944).


Słowa kluczowe

duchowość, Polska, Bóg, dziennik duszy, łaska, mistyczki, przesłanie duchowe, niepodległa Polska, niepodległość, spirituality, Poland, God, soul-diary, grace, mercy, miłosierdzie, female mystics, spiritual message, Independent Poland, independence


Veritati et Caritati, 2018, T. 11, s. 81-101.


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland