Duszpasterska troska o religijno-moralne oblicze narodu polskiego w listach abp. Stanisława Nowaka
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie
Archbishop Stanisław Nowak in his pastoral letters written in the period of presiding over the Church of Częstochowa (1984-2011) paid great attention and concern to the faith and the morality of this part of the People of God which was entrusted to him. Many manifestations of this care can be seen throughout his twenty-seven-years’ service. It was principally focused on the care about the shape and the condition of faith in the Polish nation. His letters touched many essential problems related to the experiencing the religiosity both in the social and in the personal aspect. The specifc recipients of this pastoral care were Polish families. He inseparably conjoined the care about families with the struggle for protection of the human life from conception until the natural death. These are the subsequent crucial subjects of many pastoral letters of the first metropolitan of Częstochowa. Finally, the call to fight the national vices, which infuence negatively the People of God entrusted to him, permeated all his pastoral teaching. The present paper attempts to disclose these problems.
duszpasterze, duszpasterstwo, religia, moralność, etyka, troska, naród, arcybiskupi, kapłani, duchowieństwo, Stanisław Nowak, listy pasterskie, pasterska troska, naród polski, Polska, ministry, religion, morality, ethics, care, archbishops, clergy, priesthood, pastoral letters, pastoral care, Polish nation, opieka duszpasterska, nation, Poland
Veritati et Caritati, 2018, T. 11, s. 149-172.
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland