Kultura bez-celowości. Jacques’a Derridy dekonstrukcja kultury
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Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej
The main thesis of the article is a question about the purpose of contemporary culture in the context of Jacques Derrida’s work. In his idea of culture and reality there is no place for the desirability. Denying the metaphysical tradition Derrida denied the principle of expediency as well. The overriding reason for which the category of purpose no longer exists in the culture is radically different from the traditional approach to philosophy. The consequent rejection of metaphysics is also the rejection of the principle of non-contradiction. Establishing the deconstruction as a purpose of culture resulted in the development of culture of purposeless. Ambiguity, indeterminacy and multiplicity that characterize the work of Derrida mark also the contemporary culture. Consequences of conviction about diversity and pluralism of equivalent truths pervading all aspects of life do not serve the people and culture. Under the influence of postmodernism, including the philosophy of Derrida, a radical change that requires a different participation in culture has been made. In this new, deconstructed world it is difficult to distinguish what good is, from what bad is, what creative is from what destructive is, there is a problem of orientation, we don’t know where to go, because there is no purpose that would determine the direction of pursuit. In the course of analysis it became clear that in spite of the desire to overcome metaphysics which Derrida repeatedly emphasize, metaphysics is still present in his thinking. This is because the French author constructs a comprehensive vision for reality.
Słowa kluczowe
kultura, Jacques Derrida, dekonstrukcja, dekonstrukcja kultury, culture, deconstruction, deconstruction of culture, filozofia, philosophy
Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2011, t. 7, s. 67-97.
Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland