Ksiądz Michał Sopoćko - spowiednik siostry Faustyny Kowalskiej
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Szczecińskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Ottonianum"
Meeting of the Fr M. Sopoćko with Sister Faustyna in 1933 in Vilnius, was a revulsion in his experience of the mistery of Divine Mercy. The moment of meeting, Sr Faustyna particularized in her Diary, underlining his importance for whole Divine Mercy work: „The week for confession came and, to my great joy, I saw the priest I had known before coming to Vilnius. I had know him by seeing him in a vision. At that moment, I heard these words in my soul: This is My faithful servant; he will help you to fulfill My will here on earth...” (263). It is before Fr Sopoćko, Lord Jesus has instructed Sr Faustyna to uncover whole soul, her inner life, visions, mission. Fr Sopoćko has approach the matter very careful, with incredulity, was examining. Convincing himself about mental health, about rich inner life, about Sr Faustyna union with Christ, and about reality of the visions, Fr Sopoćko has desided to become her spiritual director. More and move convincing himself about the mission, which has been given to Sr Faustyna throug the Merciful God, Fr Sopoćko is engaging into this new work with whole his person. He is recommending Sr Faustyna to write her observations, especially this what Jesus will tell her. Father Sopoćko is engaging himself in fulfilling Jesus recommendations given to the blessed: painting of the picture of Jesus of Mercy, spreading pictures, and chaplet to the Divine Mercy. He is preaching the Mercy of God, taking advantage of the radio for this purpose, also. He is writting the articles about the Divine Mercy, striving to establish the holiday of the Gods Mercy. He did all he possibly could so that the new Congregation was created in accordance with Lord Jesus demand. In the Mercy message, Fr Sopoćko noticed more powerful force than evil, capable to make radical change of human and world, under the condition, that it will become known, accepted by heart and reflected on life. That is why he is sealously propagating new form of worship among people. One must admit, that Fr Sopoćko was searching persistently for the confirmation of the Churches teaching heard from Sr Faustyna Lord’s words.
Autor streszczenia: Maria Tarnawska.
Słowa kluczowe
Faustyna Kowalska, Michał Sopoćko, spowiednicy, spowiedź, kapłani, duchowieństwo, dusza, duszpasterstwo, duszpasterstwo konsekrowanych, miłosierdzie, Miłosierdzie Boże, mercy, confessors, confession, clergy, priesthood, ministry, soul, zakonnice, nuns, dzienniki, diaries, Dzienniczek
Szczecińskie Studia Kościelne, 1993, nr 4, s. 137-145.
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