Podstawowe założenia teologii sakramentów
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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
Sacraments are an encounter of God with man with a personal character. They are basic processes of Church having their source in Trinity and granting to man his personal salvation. The acts of sacraments are the expression of the „dealing” of God with man and man's response to God's „calling”. Thus speaking about sacraments and experiencing in them the presence of God makes necessary to discern the basic assumptions of the theology of sacraments: - the presence of Trinity in the history of man does not create a seperate sacral part in this history but sanctifies it; - experiencing the presence of Trinity comes about in faith structurized in a manner of dialogue. These assumptions are at the same time a shift in two directions: from God to man in the Descent of the Son and the Holy Ghost, and from man along with the Son and the Holy Ghost, in the Glory of God the Father.
Słowa kluczowe
teologia, sakramenty, Bóg, objawienie, objawienie Boże, obraz, symbol, judeochrześcijaństwo, judaizm, chrześcijaństwo, tradycja, sakramenty starotestamentalne, sakrament naturalny, Trójca Święta, pneumatologia, teologia sakramentów, theology, sacraments, God, revelation, image, Judaism, Christianity, tradition, Old Testament sacraments, natural sacrament, Holy Trinity, pneumatology, theology of the sacraments, Judeo-Christianity
Roczniki Teologiczne, 1993, T. 40, z. 2, s. 15-22.
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