Die Grundzüge der Spiritualität des Ordenslebens im sechsten Kapitel in der dogmatischen Konstitution über die Kirche „Lumen gentium“




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow


The article presents the basic principles of the spirituality of consecrated life as they are laid out in chapter VI of the Constitution on the Church. These principles can be summed up as the following: 1. Consecrated life means the imitation of Christ. 2. This imitation is of a charismatic nature, thus can only be lived by vocation, with the power of and originating from the Holy Spirit. 3. The fruits of the works of the Holy Spirit, and consequently, the enforcement of the imitation of Christ is love; a love that is always love towards God and your neighbour. How diverse talents and vocations can be. 4. Thanks to this love, enforced by the Holy Spirit, consecrated life presents itself as a present from Christ to the Church. It is therefore, placed in the centre of Church life and serves the Church not just by obedience and ministry, but even deeper by a living witness that reflects the pilgrimage of a Christian, and the hope for a life to come.


Artykuł w języku niemieckim.

Słowa kluczowe

consecrated life, imitation of Christ, imitation, Jesus Christ, vocation, evangelical counsels, spirituality, dogmatic constitutions, Church, Lumen gentium, życie konsekrowane, naśladowanie Chrystusa, naśladowanie, Jezus Chrystus, powołanie, rady ewangeliczne, duchowość, konstytucje dogmatyczne, Kościół, geweihtes Leben, Nachfolge Christi, Nachfolge, Jesus Christus, Berufung, evangelische Räte, Spiritualität, dogmatische Konstitutionen, Kirche, dokumenty Kościoła


The Person and the Challenges, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 2, p. 107-124.


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