Der Beitrag der integrativen Gestaltpädagogik nach Albert Höfer im Bereich der holistischen Religionspädagogik
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The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow
Integrative Gestalt pedagogy is a comprehensive pedagogy that based on Gestalt theory (-philosophy, -psychology, -therapy, -pedagogy), humanistic psychology and pedagogy. In the 1980s its holistic approach was used by Dr Albert Höfer to reform the concept of the Austrian religious education. Höfer succeeded in designing a complete Gestalt-pedagogical model of learning and teaching, whose uniqueness can be seen in its approaches that encourage student’s personal growth. In accordance with Jesus’s teaching it looks at students in a loving and caring way, talking to them in their everyday situations and opening them to religious experience and God’s working in their lives. This has been confirmed by empirical research.
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Słowa kluczowe
Gestalt theory, Integrative Gestalt Pedagogy, Albert Höfer, holistic-personal learning process, holistic religious education, religious education, personal development, religious dimension, learners, students, humanistic psychology, pedagogy, Gestalt psychology, teoria Gestalt, pedagogika integracyjna Gestalt, holistyczno-personalny proces uczenia się, edukacja religijna, holistyczna edukacja religijna, rozwój osobisty, wymiar religijny, uczący się, studenci, psychologia humanistyczna, pedagogika, psychologia postaci, gestaltyzm, Gestalt, Gestalttheorie, Integrative Gestaltpädagogik, Religionsunterricht, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, religiöse Dimension, Lernende, humanistische Psychologie, Pädagogik, psychologia, psychology, Psychologie
The Person and the Challenges, 2019, Vol. 9, No. 1, p. 205-223.
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